3 inclusive employment and cultural heritage preservation enterprises
3 health, maternal health and sanitation enterprises
84% of respondents said that Angels of Impact’s WISE Program was more valuable in terms of preparedness to approach funders/grantmakers than other programs they attended.
“I started Aliet Green without any finance or accounting background, but Angels of Impact’s WISE program helped us create a proper pricing system and make our business sustainable. We sold our first vanilla bean because of the funding we managed to secure after the WISE program.”
- Lastiana Yuliandari, 2022 WISE participant Founder and Director of Aliet Green (Indonesia)
“Thanks to Angels of Impact’s support, we now have a functional template for our financial activities, while helps potential funders to grasp our value chain ... enabling us to become a better buyer of Philippine coffee across the country.“
- Alyanna Reyes, 2022 WISE Participant Business Development at Bote Central (Philippines)